REAL EVIL. RIGHT NOW. Christians! Why are you surprised?
There are many on the Christian right who have been proclaiming their ‘surprise’ at recent events perpetrated by the regime. That certain actions have been “unprecedented”, “unacceptable”, etc. When your foundational understanding of your daily reality, your core belief as to the structure of your society, is based upon a false premise, everything that follows will be incorrect. Regardless of the sophistication or rigor of your arguments.
The “Joe Biden” regime is ILLEGAL. The election of 2020 was overtly stolen. A result of conspiracies and machinations that arguably have never been rivaled in scope, depth, and detail. This means that the current “Administration” IS NOT LEGITIMATE. This country suffered a coup and ceased in total to be a Constitutional Republic. Therefore, every action taken by the regime is illicit and not valid. Enforced only by violence and other forms of coercion. The actuality that those who work for the regime do not recognize it as illegitimate does not change the reality of it.
The fact that those startled Christians have been incessantly gaslighted to believe otherwise is a major contributing factor to their ‘surprise’ that the regime raided President Trump’s residence, their ‘surprise’ when the regime unjustly prosecutes their enemies and does nothing to the violent criminal hordes of useful idiots, their ‘surprise’ when the regime does exactly what criminal regimes do. If your base premise is that despite the 2020 election being corrupted the “Joe Biden” regime is somehow legitimate, then all of your intellectual criticism and observations and examinations are irrelevant because they are founded upon a false base premise.
It is extremely difficult for most to grasp that we currently have an illegal regime occupying the same juridical and administrative space as the Former United States of America. Amazement and stupor work together to paralyze their intellect, to obfuscate reality. The regime quickly bewildered them with doublespeak, ambiguities, and uncertainty. The demands of daily survival acted as a prime excuse for the maintenance of normalcy bias. Yet here we are. The actions of the regime to consolidate power, persecute those who they perceive as threats, and continue their charge headlong into destruction will not abate. They will not relent. They will not stop. They cannot be compromised with. They cannot be reasoned with. They cannot be appeased. Sit in silence with that for a moment.
Yes, we know that all governments are corrupt, and that this nation has been in serious trouble for many, many years. That it probably ceased to actually exist as intended well over a century and a half ago. But this makes the fact that some are ‘surprised’ worse not better. Why would any Christian be surprised when the enemy conducts operations? We are in an active Spiritual War and have been for over two thousand years. The Satanic globalist regime has spent significant resources, time, and effort to regain the offensive and reassert their power and control. They will not surrender it willingly. We will not vote our way out of this, despite all the hopium to the contrary.
Christians need to acknowledge that we live under occupation, and then take the necessary steps to create parallel Christian everything. When the time comes, and it will within the next ten years, if that, Christians must be ready to fulfill the roles that God has appointed for them. So, to all Christian nationalists who have been ‘surprised’ by recent enemy action, revisit your scripture, rediscover the supernatural destiny that awaits you in Jesus Christ. Know that the enemy is not just active but, on the offensive, operating in full view now, without hiding. They will kill, steal, and destroy without hesitation, without empathy, without conscience, without remorse. They want us dead, our families destroyed, our children enslaved to their Satanic cult, to be dragged into hell with them. To their certain horror, Jesus Christ has other plans for you.
Expect ever increasing enemy assaults, tyranny, oppression, persecution, deception, manipulations of all kinds. Every action of the enemy is founded upon the demonic emotional palate of anger, hatred, jealousy, and fear. Know that these attacks are happening, have happened throughout history, and will continue to happen. Know that the enemy will give you no quarter. Know that the enemy is extremely sophisticated, has captured all the institutions and levers of corporeal power, and is supremely confident. Know that the enemy is operating with a sense of urgency not seen before, such urgency manifesting as an operational tempo unknown to previous generations of Christians.
When you know these things, you will never be ‘surprised’ by an enemy action. Work to anticipate, in your consciousness, the probable paths of the enemy’s offensives. Pray for discernment. The mere fact that you are actively thinking about the enemy’s angles of attack means you will never be surprised. It does not matter if you are incorrect about specifics. Just daily consideration of what the enemy is up to will suffice.
The regime is intent on wrecking everything, inverting reality, and replacing all that is created by God with a Satanic simulacrum of God’s creation, a counterfeit, a forgery. The demons working to achieve this agenda come in many forms, have many names, and occupy many positions. Theirs is an existential struggle against Jesus Christ, and as a Christian, you are targeted by default for destruction. It does not matter if you remain silent. It does not matter if you shirk from conflict. It does not matter if you eschew confrontation. Either resist as God has commanded us or perish.
When Christians acknowledge the truth of our current reality, they will interact with the regime in a manner that reflects their freedom in Jesus Christ and not slavery to the enemy. They will no longer ever be ‘surprised’ by enemy action. The regime arrests and prosecutes innocent citizens for engaging in constitutionally protected speech? Not surprised. The regime imprisons political opponents? Not surprised. The regime allows millions of illegal aliens to invade the country? Not surprised. The regime knowingly and intentionally engages in actions that result in the deaths of millions of citizens? Not surprised. The regime’s henchmen are protected and never, ever, brought to justice? Not surprised. The regime funds and runs bioweapons labs in the most corrupt country in Eastern Europe? Not surprised. The regime is populated at the highest levels by Zionists? Not surprised. The regime wants World War? Not surprised. And on, and on, and on.
The enemy is not only Global, the enemy is Universal. Christians must remember that we are in a Spiritual War manifesting in the physical right in front of our eyes every day. Too often, Christians forget or dismiss the Supernatural reality of Christianity, resulting in unnecessary confusion about why things are happening and who the enemy is. Part of the reason for this certainly falls on the compromised pastors of infiltrated churches who, through corruption and cowardice, fail to warn their congregants of the enemy’s nature, agenda, and methods-of-operation. Combined with endless propaganda and disinformation campaigns, these wolves in sheep’s clothing distract their flocks with prosperity preaching, Israel-first heresy, and Romans 13 error.
Christian nationalists must be wary of these snares and find true Men of God to follow who are not afraid to speak the truth of Jesus Christ at all times and in all places. Combined with knowledge of the enemy’s campaigns against Jesus Christ, His Church, and Humanity, Christians can be prepared for all eventualities. Critically, however, Christians must come to terms with the fact that they live in a country under occupation by a criminal Globalist cabal, comprised of psychopaths animated by Demonic energy. Until and unless that happens, Christians will continue to struggle to comprehend what is happening and why.
Christians must understand that the enemy is brilliant; and yet will employ millions of incompetent useful idiots to achieve victory. All the claims that those in the regime are “stupid”, etc. may very well be correct at a certain level, however when one finds oneself being arrested, tried, convicted, and imprisoned for being a threat to the regime, those trite phrases will be meaningless. When Blackrock uses ESG to destroy your employer or investment fund, or purchases real estate around your home and wrecks the local market, claims of regime incompetence will ring hollow.
Yes Christian, you are facing real evil, right now. Only Jesus Christ and the Divine Providence can give you the strength and wisdom necessary to resist the Demonic onslaught of the enemy. The war has been raging for thousands of years. The Apostle’s warned us, repeatedly. Yet despite this great struggle against those who wish to destroy us, how blessed we are to live in this time, to forge new parallel Christian structures and institutions for the glory of God, to live in the spiritual liberty given to us by Jesus Christ. The war against Christ and His Church continues apace. Know this. You will never be surprised again, and you will stand ready to live in God’s will for your life.