We continue to see certain professing Christians writing commentary on current events wherein they either parrot propaganda from the regime or they partially accept the regime’s narrative. This is disconcerting to say the least, as we know with moral certainty that when it comes to the regime, THEY LIE. And as with all KNOWN LIARS, we cannot, must not, believe anything that comes out of their mouths ever, for any reason, no matter what.
Perhaps if truly independent third-party corroborating physical evidence also coincidentally manifested in regard to the regime’s bleating’s on a particular topic, then we could consider the regime’s claims. But when has that ever happened? The answer is never. Instead, we are pummeled incessantly with equivocation, prevarication, deceit, duplicity, fraud, cunning, and guile. In fact, the regime actively denies truth, inverts reality, and then punishes those who do not accept its’ twisted Satanic simulacrum.
The level of propaganda spewing forth from the regime has reached a crest where it is absurd to the point of hilarity.
Vaccines are safe and effective. Cow farts are destroying the environment. Men can give birth. People who menstruate. Children can decide their gender. Russia hacked the 2016 election. The 2020 election was the most secure ever. Drag queen shows are good for children. There is no evidence of election fraud. There are no bio-labs in Ukraine. We did not fund covid research in China. The border is the most secure it has ever been. Hunter Biden’s laptop was fake. Russia is losing in Ukraine. Our destruction of Libya was legit. Our military presence in Syria is legal. White supremacy is the greatest threat. And on, and on, and on, and on.
Those that work for, support, and enable the Empire of Lies luxuriate in their sin. They flaunt their lies, vomiting out deceptions, fabrications, and distortions with sincerity and nonchalance. Their mendacity knows no bounds. They lie on search warrant affidavits. They lie about every aspect of Covid. They lie about the economy, about the election, about “Joe Biden”. They lie about crime. They lie about health care. They lie about the environment. They lie about EVERY. SINGLE. THING.
They cannot abide the truth because there is no truth in them.
So why are so many professing Christians still confused? Still falling into the normalcy bias trap? Still trusting the very corrupt system that wants them dead, their families destroyed? Faithless pastors certainly play a role, as do the myriad compromised traitors who have infiltrated the Church. But perhaps the primary reason for so many failures of discernment is something we have addressed repeatedly and will continue to call-out; the lack of recognition that we are in a Spiritual War manifesting in the physical right in front of our eyes every day. Christians that do not live their lives actively contemplating this reality every day will quickly find themselves behind the curve, with the Enemy inside their OODA loop. Given the current pace of events, getting back to the line-of-contact from such a disadvantaged position may be impossible. We see the results of this now as many fall so far behind that their best-intentioned works are irrelevant before they are even published.
Christians must pray and pay active attention to the ongoing Spiritual War every single day. Recognizing the reality of this War and its’ nature will assist Christians in identifying the lies of the Enemy and prevent them from succumbing to the machinations of the demonic imps populating the organs of regime operations. Let there be no doubt, THEY LIE.
And who, dear Christian Brothers, is the Father of Lies?