THE SUBTLETY OF EVIL: How the insidious program of homosexual/transgender mind-control by the global regime is damning souls.
As we watch supposedly clear-thinking adults with rational intellects take their children to drag queen events all over the nation, where wicked men dressed as female demons groom their children for sodomitical damnation, we understandably wonder how such a situation could possibly exist in any reality, ever.
In order to grok such stunningly obvious bad decisions on the part of these parents, we need to ascertain the primary vectors of the enemy’s poisonous payload of Luciferian deceit. One ostensibly has to look no further than the usual suspects; media, tech, education, the occupying regime of “Joe Biden”, etc. But a deeper dive is necessary. The Devil, as it is said, is in the details.
Satan often uses our own natures against us, exploiting every weakness with maximum efficiency and devastating precision. Only Jesus Christ can protect us from such a massive intellect, and unfortunately for the many who do not truly know Christ, Gods’ Hand of Protection, their only defense, will not be present. Without a coming to Christ and repentance, the results are catastrophic and eternal.
But how does the enemy manipulate Human nature in regard to the homosexual angle-of-attack on Gods’ Creation? Two terms with acronyms here are helpful. The first is the Subtlety of Evil, or SOE. Think of it every time you are exposed to a known evil that has been packaged to appeal to the ‘emotional’, ‘empathetic’, or ‘compassionate’ elements of your nature. Unlike direct, obvious evil such as a demoniac committing mass-murder, SOE situations appear on their face to be, if not totally benign, at the very least soaked in a subjective morass of ambiguity. An example of this would be a Christian who has a friendly Male homosexual co-worker that is smart, pleasant, funny, and always helpful. One day the Christian is introduced to the homosexual co-worker’s “husband”, and eventually the Christian is invited to a social event hosted by the co-worker. The Christian likes the smart, funny, nice, helpful co-worker and would feel bad not attending the social event due ‘only’ to the co-workers “sexual orientation”. After all, the co-worker is kind and gentle and a really great asset to the team, and the Christian does not want to appear to be “homophobic” or suspected of “bigotry”. Besides, the homosexual co-worker attends a “church” of some kind and there can’t really be any harm to just hanging out with the homosexual couple and their friends.
Of course, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is very clear about this type of situation, but the Christian disregards the Lords’ teaching. Another example would be the Christian parents whose adult child announces they are homosexual, introduces their homosexual partner to the parents, and then expects to be invited home to spend Christmas with the Christian parents. The parents love their child, and simply cannot bear the thought of following God’s teaching here, as that would mean they would be the ‘bad guys’ and would feel bad. The fact that God cannot, will not, bless their child’s voluntary choice is so upsetting to them that they falter, and fall for the enemy’s lies of truth being subjective, rather than the objective reality of truth being a person, Jesus Christ.
This brings us to the second term and acronym. Tolerance, Acceptance, Ratification, Participation; or TARP. The Satanic plan utilizes the Subtlety-of-Evil (SOE) to slowly and gradually first introduce, then advance, then secure the sodomite plan for damnation. TARP is coincident. Christians were first told that Tolerance of homosexuality was required. Take no action, just pray for them, everything will be fine. Do not witness to them, do not rebuke them, certainly do not judge them. Without any real resistance, millions of people succumbed to Luciferian deception and eternal separation from God.
Then came the second phase. Acceptance. Christians were instructed to ‘accept’ homosexuality; “civil unions” were allowed, parades were conducted all over the country, massive amounts of Zionist funded pro-gay propaganda flooded our communities, schools, entertainment, etc. Through all the usual suspects the Satanic toxin of homosexual mind-control spread over our populations. Most professing Christians were easily fooled by the Globo-Homo cult. They felt bad when the occasional strong Man of God would speak out against this Devilish monstrosity of homosexuality and transgenderism. They liked their homosexual friends and co-workers, who were good, honest, hard-working people just trying to “live their truth”. The majority of priests and pastors failed over many decades to be true Men of God and condemn the virulent infection the enemy had loosed on the nation. Yes, infiltration abounded, and many a supposed shepherd was in fact a wolf in sheep’s clothing. But true Christians are called to discernment, to avoid the snares of the Devil, yet so many fell for the lies and deception, embracing equivocation for the sake of their own natures, so they would not feel bad.
The objective truth of Jesus Christ gave way to a massively disordered psychospiritual addiction to violations of the Law of Non-Contradiction. The Triune Godhead is creator of the Universe and Truth itself but is wrong about homosexuality. Homosexuality is sin and at the same time not sin. The Bible is the inerrant Word of God and at the same time contains errors. This path of course leads to the Wide Gate, as its’ logical conclusion. Christians by the tens of millions have apostatized and become little more than CINO’s, embracing the sodomitical culture and denying the truth of Christ. This disaster of course has many authors, but a key component has been the Subtlety-of-Evil method to incrementally corrupt the minds, hearts, and eventually souls of countless former Christians.
Still, acceptance was not enough. Of course it wasn’t. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. And he would do just that. Christians were now told they must Ratify homosexuality. Homosexual “marriage”. Bake the gay wedding cake or be ruined. Homosexuality aggressively displayed in all forms of media, from movies to television ads to children’s shows. Anti-churches hold gay “weddings” to invert the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Transgender and “sexual identity” instruction to small children in schools. Mandatory homosexual propaganda in high schools and universities. The U.S. Government tying foreign aid to various countries to those countries’ rapid expansion of LGBT “rights”.
Unsurprisingly, by this point in the enemy’s offensive most professing Christians were so inculcated by the relentless barrage of Satanic sodomite propaganda that their hearts and minds had been fully given over to reprobation. It does not matter if they lived chastely in all other areas of their lives. By Ratifying homosexuality in their hearts, they placed their salvation in great jeopardy. They must repent and return to Jesus Christ as the Truth. One Heresy leads to another, and before they know it, they are completely outside of the Church.
The rainbow flag of sexual deviancy mocks God’s promise to Humanity after the Great Flood. The selection of the word “pride” to describe all things sodomy is a derision of Proverbs 6:17. It goes on and on and on. Yet none of these things really bother the CINO’s. After all, the most important thing for them is to not feel bad. They simply cannot deal with the on-the-ground reality that homosexuality and transgenderism are tools of evil, that nice people can be deceived and lead egregiously sinful lives; acknowledging such would require them to act, but they are effeminate milquetoast CINO’s and as such are simply useful idiots of the Luciferian agenda to destroy their own children and societies. They have fallen to the Subtlety-of-Evil, the slow roll, the boiling frog.
Once the majority of professing Christians were made irrelevant in this theatre of the spiritual war, the final phase of the Globo-Homo agenda was then activated, Participation. Attend the parades. Make your children watch as unrepentant sinners luxuriate in their sin, gyrating while nearly naked on the fag-floats. Dancing to the glory of their “pride”. Take your children to drag-queen story hour and other vile Satanic events to be spiritually sacrificed to Moloch. Make your children walk down ‘runways’ next to wicked men attempting to invert God’s Natural Law to satisfy their lusts. Declare your allegiance to Globo-Homo by purchasing and placing upon your children Disney “pride” rainbow clothing. Celebrate as huge corporations elevate homosexuality and all sexual perversion to be the aspirational goal of all young people in society.
And the CINO’s say nothing. Do nothing. They have shut their eyes; they have stopped their ears. The only answer to this untenable situation is of course Jesus Christ. Professing Christians must repent and return to Christ as the Truth. The Apostle Paul was very clear in Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, and 1 Timothy 1:9-10. Christ himself clearly defined Marriage in Mark 10:6-9, and Matthew 19:4-6. God does not make mistakes. God does not lie. All attempts at equivocation are anti-Christ. Our Lord knew this vector of attack would fall upon us and provided very clear instruction. The fact that the enemy tells you that the instruction is not clear, that the words mean something different than what they say, should be of no surprise to anyone. The enemy lies.
Why would professing Christians listen to one word coming out of the mouths of known liars? And who is the father of lies?
The compromised pastors and priests that have infiltrated nearly every church in the world bear much blame for the current reality we face. They colluded, many intentionally, with the enemies of Humanity to undermine God’s Natural Law, invert reality, and convince their congregants that truth was subjective, and that the last two thousand years of Church teaching was either incorrect or misunderstood. They did this slowly, methodically, subtly. Each will face their own particular judgement, whether they believe it or not.
The good news in this maelstrom is that by repentance and a return to Jesus Christ, who is Truth itself, professing Christians who have fallen victim to the Subtlety-of-Evil campaign of homosexual and transgender mind control can regain the momentum in the spiritual war against the enemies of Humanity and rejoin their brethren living in the Will of God. They can shed the heavy Satanic encumbrance of deception and duplicity and return to the liberation that is only found in Jesus Christ. They can realize that true Charity lies in speaking the truth of Christ unequivocally and without reservation of any kind.
The Enemy’s attacks on Christendom continue apace. The program of homosexual/transgender mind-control is but one facet of a multi-front, multi-phase war against Christ and His Church. At this time many major battles are being fought. Christians must remember Ephesians 6: 10-18 and heed the call to spiritual arms, put their armor on, and “stand against the wiles of the Devil”. One of those wiles is, without doubt, the Subtlety-of-Evil.